why cant i writte?

for these two weeks..why its so hard for me to writte ANYTHING!!
couldnt find ANY topic, didnt have ANY idea..
and i just didnt have the energy to start..

two weeks ago, my english teacher asked us to contribute an articel to Berita Bendera..
at that time, i have too many things in my head to pur on..
but i left them behind..
got too many things to do, to be taken care of..

then comes to the deadline…
no idea..
so then i took an article..and summarized it..
but i still dont think its nice enough since the article itself is written in english..
so i took one of my poems, and translate it to english…
then i add two tounge twisters..

and still, i just cant have my self satisfied…
why is it so hard for me to writte?
when i ussually have so many things to type..
when i ussually have too many stories to be told..

then a quote from a friend came in my head, in a sudden..
its when the time i came to him and wept…about the feeling of being lonely..
he said, “when you’re feeling lonely..look around, pay attention to your friends, hear their stories, cry with them, laugh with them, have an empathy for them..to understand that you’re still have your ears for them, have your eyes to look after them, you will never feel lonely anymore…”

thats it..
i guess i understand why..
i just dont have the energy to look around lately..
just too tired for lending my ears lately…

i need a vacation!!!!!!

6 thoughts on “why cant i writte?

  1. hadingrh said: cerita vacationsnya dishare dong di http://www.visitbandung.net/backpackers/

    hehehehe…iya tuh..kok susah banget yaaa akhir2 ini nulis..apalagi ttg sekitar..susaaaaaahhhhh nuanginnya..ide nya juga ga ada..akhir2nya nulis ttg diri sndiri lagi deh… (narsis.com)vacation juga susah bener nyari waktunya..rada sedikit ‘lepas beban’ waktu sedikit berteriak di Senayan pas Semifinal Thomas..itupun kalah..too bad…itu masuk ke cerita vacation ga siy?huuhuhuhuhuhu…pengen liburan sendirian…kapan yaaaa?

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